eBook Writing
Ahhh… eBooks. Gotta love them! An eBook is one of the best forms of promotion for lead generation and revenue based business models. A well written eBook can bring in hordes of new opt-ins to an email list or blow up your bank account with new sales. But a poorly written eBook is a recipe for disaster. No opt-ins, no sales and worst of all, a bad reputation for putting out poor quality content. Don’t take the risk of marketing a bad eBook. Let Writocity write an eBook for you that may take your business to the next level.
Our eBook writers are well versed on what it takes to produce a compelling product. This isn’t a cookie cutter service either. After your order is received, one of our eBook writers will give you a call to discuss your project. We’ll ask you a few questions to get a better understanding of your eBook idea. A little brainstorming session will take place between us and then we get to work. We’ll do some research on your topic and write the first 2-3 draft pages. This draft will be presented to you for approval to move forward with the project. Once the eBook is complete, we’ll forward it to you for final review and seal off the project if you are satisfied.
Keep in mind, an eBook is nothing without a great cover design. Make sure to take advantage of our eBook Cover Design Service that will put the finishing touches on your project. Give us a call to discuss what our in-house designers can do for you.
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